Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Dec 11. 2007.

My weeks usually consist of working. the weekend is when we get to be tourists and see the city. since i have not written on this blog except for once. im going to use this space to update everyone until now. then once more pictures come in i can post them in a more organized fashion. i will start with the scavenger hunt. on fac
ebook i found a post for a scavenger hunt out of a Canadian bar in Itaewon, the international district. there is the american army base there. anyways it was a scavenger hunt for halloween. everyone agreed to dress up but of course once i rented this amazing gorilla costume, they all bailed out on the idea. but i wore it anyways. so basically we had to go around Seoul and do things on a list. i dont remember what they all are but maybe the pictures will tell the story. we came in second. (click on images to enlarge)Next is our trip to Jeju island. it is a very nice island. Michael Jackson visited once and then offered to buy it. it is a volcanic island and is often compared to Hawaii because of the type of rock, plants and animals that are on the island. i have never been to Hawaii, but Lindsay has and she says she liked it better, mostly because Hawaii had a cheesy tourist feeling. it took us about an hour to fly there and we were only there for the weekend but we did a lot. these pictures are of our hotel, a temple, and a huge crater where we watched the sun rise.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Some pictures

Our rabbit.

This is our rabbit. I bought him in the subway from a crabby old lady. I didn't want to pay more than 10 dollars for him because that is a lot for anything here. I think she was trying to sell them for 15 but after some haggling. (me repeating Gaka-juiceiao, Korean for discount.) she took the one i had in my hand and gave me a different one and took my money. After I got on the train, I discovered that it only had one eye. ( she gave me a discount for the one with one eye.) Lindsay took him to the vet and for just 15 dollars the vet opened his eye which had some sort of infection, and gave him an injection and us some drops and medicine. Im trying to house train it right now but the internet says is easier to do when they are adults. Here are some pictures of him. Oh his name is Felix.

November 18 2007

Today I climbed Bukhansan mountain. Bukhansan is a Korean national park. I have been there once before but this time I climbed a different side of the mountain. I went wit h a guy Chris I met at a costume store. While Lindsay was off shopping with his girlfriend Kelly. There is a fortress at the top of one of the mountains. And the wall is huge that surrounds it. It was an exhausting hike up but it was well worth it once a the top. The view was amazing but these pictures cant do it justice. (Click to enlarge)